Director, HGLO
Professor, Government and Politics
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Today the food we eat, the jobs we get, and the people we meet all are connected globally in ways never before seen in history. These global connections can bring exciting opportunities—but challenge people in different ways. This was brought home to all of us through the global pandemic and global protests against racism. As the novelist William Gibson said, "The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed." We want to make sure that students acquire the knowledge and skills to navigate the future successfully.
We provide students with an interdisciplinary understanding of globalization and global issues through both study and experience. Our courses provide academic frameworks that help make sense of our world. Our program challenges students to engage in difficult conversations with people from different backgrounds and beliefs. We believe that students who understand the global context will thrive in the 21st century regardless of major or chosen career.
Above all we value building a welcoming and inclusive community. We build this community intellectually through common courses, physically through our common home in Dorchester Hall, and socially through a variety of events and activities. We take advantage of our location in one of the most international areas of the US through field trips to embassies, museums, exhibits, even a chocolate factory! The Global Conversations series brings in ambassadors and leading experts international affairs. Our Global Voices Together sessions facilitate small group discussion of hot topic issues. Cultural enrichment programs include performances by artists from around the world and authentic ethnic dinners catered by area restaurants. The Global Communities Student Association (GCSA) actively works to connect students and foster friendships that last for many years.
Honors Global Challenges & Solutions (HGLO) students have traveled to the far corners of the globe to learn and experience everything from traditional medicine, to environmental conservation, to engineering and art history. They have engaged in service to those in need and applied what they have learned in internships with government agencies, businesses and non-profit organizations. Our alumni now work in diverse careers—from environmental advocacy to health care, from engineering to government service.
Take a look around this website, check out our social media, and learn more about Honors Global Communities. Send your questions to hglo [at] We look forward to hearing from you!